Dawn Henry
Dawn is an inspirational speaker who shares from the heart. Having victoriously overcome a past of human trafficking with physical, sexual and emotional abuse, she has learned the truth of God’s personal love and deliverance through Jesus Christ.
Her heart is for women to live vibrant passionate lives. Having conquered many obstacles in her own life, she knows the importance of removing the “lies” that stand in the way of living a full and passionate life.
As a graduate of a Bible College, attendee of many churches and Bible studies, she quickly learned that we are often taught Biblical “head” knowledge but not “heart” knowledge. Her desire is to lead women into a wonderful “heartful” love relationship with Christ.
In her everyday life she has been married to her college sweetheart for more than 40 years. She is the overly proud mother of three amazing children, one precious daughter in law, and two adorable pets. Her hobbies include decorating, cooking and traveling to fun and new places. Her decorating and cooking have been published in numerous magazines and books. She has also written about sexual abuse for "Fulfill Magazine". Yet the publication she is proudest to be a part of is knowing her name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life!